Export Development Guarantee

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International finance - export finance - UK Export Finance.


The UK Export Development Guarantee (EDG) helps UK exporters access high value loan facilities for general working capital or capital expenditure.

The guarantee can cover up to 80% of the risk to lenders for a maximum repayment period of up to 5 years.

The average value of EDG transactions is between £100m and £500m.

UK government's commitment to Rolls-Royce
"Those [adverse operational] factors spurred Rolls-Royce to strengthen its liquidity position – which it achieved through a blend of public- and private-sector support.
In August, the company agreed a five-year term loan at a value of £2bn with UK Export Finance (UKEF) under its Export Development Guarantee scheme.
Two months later, with the UKEF loan assisting the credit story by underscoring the UK government's commitment to the company, it closed a £5bn recapitalisation package, comprising a £2bn rights issue, a £2bn-equivalent, multi-tranche bond issue and a £1bn committed bank facility."
ACT Deals of the Year Awards 2020 - Rolls Royce.

See also

Other resource