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- MTN programme
- MT 940
- MT 942
- MX
- MaPS
- Macaulay's duration
- Macaulay duration
- Machine learning
- Macro
- Macro-prudential
- Macro hedging
- Macro prudential
- Macroeconomics
- Macroprudential
- Magnetic ink character recognition
- Mail float
- Main Market
- Main Page
- Main Street
- Main list
- Main refinancing operations
- Mainland China
- Mainstream
- Maintenance covenant
- Maintenance margin
- Make UK
- Make whole
- Make whole clause
- Make whole provision
- Malfeasance
- Malware
- Man-in-the-middle attack
- Man in the middle
- Managed currency
- Managed float
- Management accounting
- Management buy-in
- Management buyout
- Management charge
- Management discussion and analysis
- Management efficiency ratio
- Management expenses
- Management fee
- Management system
- Managerial coaching
- Mandate
- Mandatory cleared swaps
- Mandatory human rights due diligence
- Mandatory injunction
- Mansion House Compact
- Manufactured capital
- Manufactured dividend
- Maple bond
- Margin
- Margin call
- Margin compression
- Margin grid
- Margin of safety
- Margin on costs
- Margin risk
- Marginal
- Marginal VaR
- Marginal cost
- Marginal costing
- Marginal propensity to consume
- Marginal propensity to save
- Marginal rate of tax
- Marginal rate of tax relief
- Marginal relief
- Marginal revenue
- Marginal utility
- Margining
- Mark to market
- Mark to market basis
- Marked-to-market reset
- Market
- Market-based approaches to cash management and liquidity
- Market/book ratio
- Market Abuse Directive
- Market Abuse Regime
- Market Abuse Regulation
- Market Risk in the Banking Book
- Market abuse
- Market analysis
- Market approach
- Market cap
- Market capitalisation
- Market conditions
- Market corners
- Market economy
- Market efficiency
- Market environment matrix
- Market in crypto-assets
- Market liquidity risk
- Market maker
- Market maker of last resort
- Market manipulation
- Market mechanism
- Market participant
- Market price
- Market price risk
- Market rate
- Market risk
- Market risk premium
- Market taker
- Market value
- Market value added
- Market yield
- Marketing
- Marketing mix
- Markets Committee
- Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation
- Markets in crypto-assets regulation
- Marking to market
- Markup
- Markup language
- Marshall Plan
- Maslow's hammer
- Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- Maslow's pyramid
- Master account
- Master of Arts
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Science
- Mastercard
- Masters degree
- Match pay
- Matching
- Material
- Material adverse change
- Material adverse effect
- Material by nature
- Materialistic
- Materiality
- Materiality assessment
- Matrix organisation
- Matthew effect
- Maturity
- Maturity ladder
- Maturity mismatch
- Maturity structure
- Maturity transformation
- Maturity wall
- Maximum acceptance cap
- Mean
- Mean-variance efficiency
- Mean deviation
- Mean reversion
- Means testing
- Measurement
- Media risk
- Median
- Mediation
- Medium term notes
- Megabyte
- Member
- Member-administered
- Member-administered closed user group
- Member nominated trustee
- Member of an FTS
- Member state
- Meme
- Meme stock
- Memorandum
- Memorandum of Association
- Memorandum of understanding
- Mentalist
- Mentee
- Mentor
- Mentoring
- Merchant
- Merchant bank
- Merger
- Merger accounting
- Merger reserve
- Merit order
- Merton distance-to-default
- Mesoeconomics
- Meta
- Metacognitive skills
- Metaeconomics
- Metaverse
- Methane
- Methane Roadmap Action Programme
- Metric
- Mexico
- Mezzanine
- Mf
- MiCA
- MiFID 2
- Micro-credentials
- Micro-enterprise
- Micro-multinational
- Micro-prudential
- Micro prudential
- Microeconomics
- Microfinance
- Micropayments
- Microprudential
- Microsoft
- Mid-cap
- Mid-sized companies
- Mid-swap
- Mid market price
- Mid price
- Mid rate
- Middle office
- Middleware
- Migration
- Migration risk
- Military-industrial complex
- Millennials
- Millennium Development Goals
- Millennium bug
- Milliard
- Mind map
- Miner
- Minimum Funding Requirement
- Minimum Social Safeguards
- Minimum standards of the Lamfalussy Report
- Minimum variance portfolio
- Minimum viable product
- Mining
- Minor
- Minority interest
- Mint
- Mio
- Misconduct
- Misfeasance
- Misinformation
- Misinformation and disinformation
- Mismatch
- Mismatch report
- Misrepresentation
- Mission statement
- Misstatement
- Mitigant
- Mitigate
- Mixed economy
- Mixer company
- Mmf
- Mn
- MoM
- MoU
- Mobile for Development
- Mobile payment
- Mobilisation ratio
- Modal
- Mode
- Model
- Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records
- Model risk
- Model tax treaty
- Modeling
- Modelling
- Modern Monetary Theory
- Modern Portfolio Theory
- Modern Slavery Act
- Modern slavery
- Modification
- Modification gain or loss
- Modified convexity
- Modified duration
- Modigliani and Miller
- Monetarism
- Monetary
- Monetary/non-monetary method
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Monetary Policy Committee
- Monetary Policy Report
- Monetary and Financial Conditions Index
- Monetary asset
- Monetary authority
- Monetary base
- Monetary financial institution
- Monetary items
- Monetary liability
- Monetary policy
- Monetary policy space
- Monetary stability
- Monetary union
- Monetisation
- Monetisation risk
- Monetise
- Money
- Money Laundering Regulations 2017
- Money Market Fund Reform – A Light At The End Of The Tunnel?
- Money Market Funds Regulation
- Money and Pensions Service
- Money laundering
- Money management
- Money market
- Money market deposit accounts
- Money market fund
- Money market fund reform: a light at the end of the tunnel?
- Money market instrument
- Money market lines
- Money market yield
- Money mule
- Money order
- Money purchase
- Money supply
- Money terms
- Monitor evaluator
- Monopolies and Mergers Commission
- Monopolistic competition
- Monopoly
- Monopsony
- Monte Carlo analysis
- Monte Carlo method
- Monthly recurring revenue
- Montreal Pledge
- Moody's
- Moral hazard
- Moratorium
- Morris Review
- Mortality
- Mortgage
- Mortgage-backed securities
- Mortgage Pfandbrief
- Most favoured nation
- Mostly positive
- Moving average
- Mu
- Multi-CBDC arrangement
- Multi-channel strategy
- Multi-currency
- Multi-donor trust fund
- Multi-employer pension scheme
- Multi-factor authentication
- MultiCash
- Multibank platform
- Multibank reporting
- Multibanked
- Multicurrency account
- Multicurrency cross-border pooling
- Multicurrency facility