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- Pre pack administration
- Precautions motive
- Precedent
- Preference
- Preference dividend
- Preference shares
- Preferential
- Preferential creditor
- Preferential tax regime
- Preferred shares
- Preferred stock
- Preliminary rulings
- Premia
- Premium
- Premium Listing
- Prepaid card
- Prepaid expense
- Prepayment
- Prepayment risk
- Prepayments
- Present value
- Presentation currency
- Presenteeism
- Presenting bank
- Presentment
- Price
- Price discovery
- Price earnings ratio
- Price elasticity of demand
- Price elasticity of supply
- Price fixing
- Price formation
- Price indexation
- Price inside
- Price maker
- Price risk
- Price taker
- Price talk
- Price to earnings ratio
- Price transparency
- Price value of a basis point
- Price walking
- Price whispers
- Pricing grid
- Pricing guidance
- Prima facie
- Primary
- Primary Loss Absorbing Capacity
- Primary Loss Absorbing Capital
- Primary contributions
- Primary financial statements
- Primary legislation
- Primary market
- Primary statements
- Primary surplus
- Prime
- Prime Collateralised Securities
- Prime bank
- Prime brokerage
- Prime cost
- Prime number
- Prime rate
- Principal
- Principal employer
- Principal risk
- Principal value
- Principal write down
- Principle
- Principles based
- Principles for Financial Benchmarks
- Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
- Principles for Responsible Banking
- Principles for Responsible Investment
- Principles for Sustainable Insurance
- Prior service cost
- Prior year adjustments
- Private
- Private Bill
- Private Finance 2
- Private Finance Initiative
- Private banking
- Private bond
- Private client broker
- Private cloud
- Private companies
- Private company
- Private credit
- Private debt
- Private equity
- Private equity house
- Private international law
- Private key
- Private money
- Private network
- Private placement
- Private rating
- Private sector
- Private treaty
- Privatisation
- Privity of contract
- Pro-forma
- Pro bono
- Pro forma
- Probability
- Probability Density Function
- Probability of Default
- Problem child
- Procedural knowledge
- Procedure
- Proceeds
- Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
- Process costing
- Process re-engineering
- Process strategy
- Processing fee
- Processing float
- Procure to pay cycle
- Procurement
- Procurement card
- Procyclical
- Procyclical risk
- Procyclicality
- Produced capital
- Producer
- Producer Price Index
- Product
- Product Market Matrix
- Product life cycle
- Production
- Production cost
- Production overheads
- Production possibility curves
- Productisation
- Productivity
- Professional Oversight Board
- Professional behaviour
- Professional development unit
- Professional skepticism
- Profit
- Profit after tax
- Profit after tax margin
- Profit and Loss account
- Profit and Loss reserve
- Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
- Profit before interest and tax
- Profit before tax
- Profit before tax margin
- Profit before tax percentage
- Profit before tax ratio
- Profit centre
- Profit for purpose
- Profit margin
- Profit maximisation
- Profit maximising output
- Profit shifting
- Profit warning
- Profitability
- Profitability index
- Profitability ratio
- Profits chargeable to Corporation Tax
- Programmability
- Progressive
- Prohibitory injunction
- Project Birch
- Project Icebreaker
- Project Management Institute
- Project Mariana
- Project analysis
- Project appraisal
- Project finance
- Project management
- Projected benefit obligation
- Projected earnings
- Projected unit method
- Projection
- Promise
- Promisee
- Promisor
- Promissory note
- Promoter
- Promotion
- Prompt Payment Code
- Proof of concept
- Prop trading
- Propco
- Proper law
- Property
- Property, plant and equipment
- Property law
- Proportionality
- Proportionate
- Proportionate consolidation
- Proportionate procedures
- Proprietary
- Proprietary trading
- Prospective
- Prospective benefits funding method
- Prospective financial information
- Prospectus
- Prospectus Directive
- Prospectus Regulation
- Prosperity through Stewardship
- Protectionism
- Protectionist
- Protocol
- Provision
- Provision for depreciation
- Provision of information
- Provisional credit
- Provisional transfer
- Proxy
- Prudence
- Prudential
- Prudential Regulation Authority
- Prudential Regulation Committee
- Prudential regulation
- Psychodynamic coaching
- Psychometric profiling
- Psychometrics
- Public
- Public Accounts Committee
- Public Bill
- Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
- Public Debt CNAV
- Public Interest Entity
- Public Pfandbrief
- Public bond
- Public cloud
- Public companies
- Public company
- Public corporation
- Public debt
- Public domain
- Public goods
- Public information rating
- Public interest
- Public international law
- Public key
- Public key encryption
- Public key infrastructure
- Public limited company
- Public money
- Public offer
- Public policy
- Public private partnership
- Public rating
- Public sector
- Public sector entity
- Public sector purchase programme
- Public to private deal
- Puff
- Purchase and Assumption
- Purchase day book
- Purchase order
- Purchase to pay cycle
- Purchased annuity
- Purchasing Managers' Index
- Purchasing card
- Purchasing power parity
- Pure play
- Push payment
- Put
- Put-call parity theory
- Put call parity
- Put option
- Puttable
- Putting a limit on losses
- PwC
- Pyramid scheme
- Q1
- Q2
- Q3
- Q4
- QA
- QC
- QE
- QE1
- QE2
- QE3
- QE4
- QR code
- QT
- Qatar
- Qatar Financial Centre
- QoQ
- Quadrillion
- Qualifications
- Qualified
- Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract
- Qualified audit report
- Qualify
- Qualifying expenditure
- Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information
- Qualitative techniques
- Quality assurance
- Quango
- Quantitative easing
- Quantitative fallacy
- Quantitative finance
- Quantitative techniques
- Quantitative tightening
- Quantity theory of money
- Quantum
- Quantum computing
- Quantum key distribution
- Quantum meruit
- Quarterly rate
- Quartile
- Quartile deviation
- Quasi-equity
- Qubit
- Queuing
- Quick ratio
- Quid pro quo
- Quiet quitting
- Quorum
- Quota
- Quota sampling
- Quotation
- Quote
- Quoted
- Quoted Companies Alliance
- Quoted Eurobond Exemption
- Quoted currency
- Quoted rate
- R&D
- R&R
- R-Squared
- RA
- RACI matrix
- RAG status