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- SWOT analysis
- SaaS
- Sabbatical
- Sado-monetarism
- Sadomonetarism
- Safe harbour
- Safe haven
- Safekeeping
- Safety margin
- Salary
- Salary sacrifice
- Sale
- Sale and leaseback
- Sales
- Sales Tax
- Sales day book
- Same-day funds
- Same day
- Sample
- Sampling
- Sampling period
- Samurai bond
- Sanction
- Sanctions
- Sanctions screening
- Sand Dollar
- Santa Claus rally
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- Sarbox
- Saudi Arabia
- Savings
- Savings and loan association
- Savings bond
- Saïd Business School
- Scalability
- Scarce resource
- Scarce resource analysis
- Scarcity
- Scarring
- Scatter diagram
- Scenario analysis
- Scenario planning
- Schedular system
- Scheme Specific Funding
- Scheme actuary
- Scheme auditor
- Scheme fee
- Scheme of arrangement
- Scheme rules
- Schengen Area
- Schuldschein
- Schuldsheindarlehen
- Science Based Targets
- Science Based Targets Network
- Science Based Targets initiative
- Scope 1 emissions
- Scope 2 emissions
- Scope 3 emissions
- Scope 3 reporting
- Scottish Government
- Scottish Landfill Tax
- Screen scraping
- Screening
- Scrip dividend
- Scrip issue
- Scrum
- Scrum Master
- Search engine
- Search engine optimisation
- Seasonal
- Seasonal risk
- Seasonality
- Seasoned bond
- Seasoned issuer
- Seasoned security
- Seat at the table
- Second Party Opinion
- Second State Pension
- Second leg
- Second lien
- Second line of defence
- Secondary
- Secondary Loss Absorbing Capacity
- Secondary Loss Absorbing Capital
- Secondary contributions
- Secondary curve
- Secondary education
- Secondary legislation
- Secondary market
- Secondary reference data
- Secondary spread
- Secrecy jurisdiction
- Section 172
- Section 172 statement
- Sector
- Secure Sockets Layer
- Secure file transfer protocol
- Secured
- Secured Overnight Financing Rate
- Secured creditor
- Secured debt
- Securities Financing Transaction
- Securities Financing Transactions Regulation
- Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
- Securities Investor Protection Corporation
- Securities Valuation Office
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group
- Securities lending
- Securities settlement system
- Securitisation
- Securitisation Regulation
- Securitisation special purpose vehicle
- Securitisation swap
- Securitise
- Security
- Security Market Line
- Security agent
- Seed
- Segment
- Segmentation
- Segregation of duties
- Seigniorage
- Self-Employment Income Support Scheme
- Self-coordinated deal
- Self-financing loan
- Self-investment bias
- Self-regulation
- Self-regulatory organisation
- Self-serving bias
- Self administered pension scheme
- Self management and accountability
- Sell-out
- Sell-side firm
- Semi-annual basis
- Semi-annual rate
- Semi-fixed cost
- Semi-strong market efficiency
- Semi-variable cost
- Semiannual
- Sender finality
- Senior
- Senior Managers Regime
- Senior Managers and Certification Regime
- Senior debt
- Senior independent director
- Senior vice president
- Seniority
- Sensitivity
- Sensitivity analysis
- Separable business unit
- Separate legal order
- Separate personality principle
- Series
- Series A
- Series B
- Serious Fraud Office
- Server
- Service
- Service Organization Control
- Service agreement
- Service cost
- Service level agreement
- Service provider
- Services
- Services Producer Price Index
- Servitisation
- Session cookie
- Set-off
- Setting
- Settled to market
- Settlement
- Settlement account
- Settlement agent
- Settlement bank
- Settlement date
- Settlement finality
- Settlement institution
- Settlement lag
- Settlement netting
- Settlement risk
- Settlement system
- Settlement unwind
- Settlor
- Several
- Several liability
- Shadow bank
- Shadow banking
- Shadow director
- Shadow model
- Shallow discount bond
- Shaper
- Share
- Share buy-back
- Share capital
- Share for share exchange
- Share of wallet
- Share premium
- Share premium account
- Share price
- Share split
- Shared Service Centre
- Shared services centre
- Shareholder
- Shareholder Rights Directive
- Shareholder activism
- Shareholder returns
- Shareholder value
- Shareholder value analysis
- Shareholders
- Shareholders' agreement
- Shareholders cash flow
- Shareholders’ funds
- Shareholders’ wealth
- Shareholding
- Sharia-compliant finance
- Sharia-compliant fixed income capital markets instruments for cross-border transactions
- Sharpe ratio
- Shelf company
- Shell company
- Shelter
- Shilling
- Shimming
- Ship Pfandbrief
- Shock
- Short
- Short-lived climate forcers
- Short-term investments
- Short-term money market fund
- Short-term notes payable
- Short Duration Bond Fund
- Short Duration Fixed Income Bond Fund
- Short chargeable accounting period
- Short dates
- Short duration
- Short interest
- Short life asset
- Short position
- Short seller
- Short selling
- Short term
- Short termism
- Side pocket
- Sidejacking
- Sight
- Sight deposits
- Sight draft
- Sigma
- Sign convention
- Signalling
- Signature Bank
- Signature cards
- Significance level
- Significance testing
- Significant Risk Transfer
- Significant influence
- Significant institution
- Significant transaction
- Silicon Valley Bank
- Silk Road bond
- Silo
- Silver bullet
- Simple annuity
- Simple average
- Simple interest
- Simple investment accounting
- Simulation
- Simultaneous equations
- Singapore
- Single-loop learning
- Single Euro Payments Area
- Single Financial Guidance Body
- Single Immediate Payment
- Single Market
- Single Point of Entry
- Single Resolution Board
- Single Supervisory Mechanism
- Single capacity
- Single currency
- Single legal account pooling
- Single trader
- Singularity
- Sinking fund
- Sistema B
- Sister company
- Six capitals
- Six sigma
- Skew
- Skewed distribution
- Skewness
- Skills and performance coaching
- Skimming
- Sleeping sustainability-linked loan
- Sleeving
- Slope
- Slotting
- Slowbalisation
- Sludge practices
- Small-cap
- Small Business Commissioner
- Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
- Small island developing states
- Smart beta
- Smart cards
- Smart contract
- Smartphone
- Smishing
- Smithsonian Agreement
- Smuggling
- Smurfing
- SoGP
- Social-engineering
- Social Bond Principles
- Social Business Trust
- Social Impact Investment Taskforce
- Social Loan Principles
- Social and relationship capital
- Social bias
- Social bond
- Social capital
- Social concerns
- Social engineering
- Social enterprise
- Social impact bond
- Social inclusion bond
- Social intelligence
- Social investment
- Social loafing
- Social loan
- Social media
- Social project
- Social risk
- Social sustainability
- Social taxonomy
- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
- Socium
- Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable
- Soft
- Soft Brexit
- Soft call protection
- Soft currency
- Softness
- Software