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- Spear phishing
- Spec-grade
- Special Climate Change Fund
- Special Purpose Acquisition Company
- Special Purpose Entity
- Special dividend
- Special drawing rights
- Special endorsement
- Special purpose vehicle
- Special resolution
- Specialist
- Specific equity risk
- Specific performance
- Specific risk
- Speculation
- Speculative
- Speculative grade
- Speculative motive
- Speculator
- Spens clause
- Spillover risk
- Spin-off
- Spinout
- Sponsor
- Sponsored access
- Spoofing
- Spot
- Spot market
- Spot price
- Spot rate
- Spot transaction
- Spot yield
- Spread
- Spread bet
- Spread risk
- Spread to Treasury / Governments
- Spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet Standards
- Spreadsheet risk
- Springing covenant
- Springing term loan
- Sprint
- Square Mile
- Square root of time
- Squeeze
- Squeeze-out
- Stability
- Stability Bond
- Stability and Growth Pact
- Stable net asset value
- Stable outlook
- Stablecoin
- Stagflation
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder analysis
- Stakeholder governance
- Stakeholder pension scheme
- Stakeholder value
- Stamp duty
- Stamp duty land tax
- Stamp duty reserve tax
- Standard
- Standard & Poor's
- Standard Industrial Classification
- Standard Listing
- Standard Setting Body
- Standard contribution rate
- Standard cost
- Standard cost card
- Standard deviation
- Standard error
- Standard rated
- Standard variable rate
- Standardised Approach
- Standardised corporate environment
- Standardised normal distribution
- Standards
- Standby
- Standby credit facility
- Standby letter of credit
- Standby liquidity agreement
- Standing order
- Star
- Stare decisis
- Start-up
- Starting leg
- Startup
- State
- State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- State Earnings Related Pension Scheme
- State Pension
- State Second Pension
- State aid
- State aid law
- State immunity
- Statement
- Statement of Good Practice
- Statement of Principles
- Statement of Standard Accounting Practice
- Statement of affairs
- Statement of cash flows
- Statement of changes in equity
- Statement of commitment
- Statement of comprehensive income
- Statement of directors' responsibilities
- Statement of federal financial accounting concept
- Statement of federal financial accounting standard
- Statement of financial accounting standard
- Statement of financial position
- Statement of funding principles
- Statement of investment principles
- Statement of operations
- Statement of other comprehensive income
- Statement of practice
- Statement of profit or loss
- Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
- Statement of recognised income and expense
- Statement of recommended practice
- Statement of shareholders' equity
- Statement of total recognised gains and losses
- Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community
- Statistical distribution
- Statistical inference
- Statistical significance
- Statistics
- Stats
- Status quo bias
- Statute
- Statute of limitation
- Statutory
- Statutory accounts
- Statutory bailin
- Statutory company
- Statutory debt
- Statutory demand
- Statutory duty
- Statutory filing
- Statutory funding objective
- Statutory instrument
- Statutory interest
- Statutory liability
- Statutory surplus basis
- Stealth tax
- Steering Committee for SOR & SIBOR Transition to SORA
- Stem
- Stepped
- Stepped interest
- Stepped margin
- Sterling
- Sterling Fnality Payment System
- Sterling Loan Conventions
- Sterling Monetary Framework
- Sterling commercial paper
- Sterling exchange rate index
- Sterling overnight index average
- Stewardship
- Stewardship Code
- Sticky
- Stiftung Familienunternehmen
- Stochastic
- Stochastic simulation
- Stock
- Stock-out
- Stock exchange
- Stock exchange alternative trading service
- Stock exchange automated quotation system
- Stock exchange electronic trading system
- Stock lending
- Stock management
- Stock market
- Stock out
- Stock turnover
- Stockout
- Stop-loss limit
- Stop-loss order
- Straddle
- Straight-through processing
- Straight bond
- Straight debt
- Straight line
- Stranded assets
- Stranded middle
- Stranding risk
- Strategic Climate Fund
- Strategic Report
- Strategic analysis
- Strategic business unit
- Strategic cash
- Strategy
- Stratified sampling
- Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
- Strengths assessment
- Stress
- Stress test
- Strike price
- Strike rate
- Striking off
- Strong Customer Authentication
- Strong form efficiency
- Structural
- Structural break
- Structural risk
- Structural subordination
- Structure
- Structured
- Structured CPD
- Structured deposit
- Structured finance
- Structures and buildings allowance
- Sub
- Sub-custodian
- Sub-investment grade bond
- Sub-participation
- Sub-prime lending
- Sub-underwriter
- Subcontractor
- Subject To Tax Rule
- Subordinate legislation
- Subordinated debt
- Subordination
- Subscription
- Subsidiarity
- Subsidiary
- Subsidiary undertaking
- Subsidy
- Substance over form
- Substantial Contribution
- Substantial modification
- Substantial shareholding
- Substitute check
- Substitute product
- Substitution
- Succession
- Suggested solution
- Suit
- Sukuk
- Sum of the digits
- Summary financial statements
- Summative
- Sunk cost fallacy
- Sunk costs
- Super-deduction
- Super contango
- Super pollutants
- Super senior
- Superannuation
- Superfund
- Supernormal profit
- Superposition
- Supertax
- Supervised learning
- Supervision
- Supervision Committee of the FRC
- Supervisor
- Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process
- Supervisory college
- Supplemental deed
- Supplementary leverage ratio
- Supplier
- Supplier credit
- Supply
- Supply chain
- Supply chain finance
- Supply chain float
- Supply chain management
- Supply chain risk
- Supply chain risk management
- Supply curve
- Supply elasticity
- Supply side policy
- Support level
- Supranational
- Supranational bank
- Supranational bond
- Surcharge
- Surd
- Surety
- Surety bond
- Surplus
- Surrendering company
- Surtax
- Survival period
- Suspension
- Sustainability
- Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles
- Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles
- Sustainability-Linked Loans financing Bond Guidelines
- Sustainability-linked
- Sustainability-linked bond
- Sustainability-linked derivatives
- Sustainability-linked loans financing bond
- Sustainability Accounting Standards
- Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
- Sustainability Bond Guidelines
- Sustainability Disclosure Requirements
- Sustainability Margin Adjustment
- Sustainability Standards Board of Japan
- Sustainability bond
- Sustainability bond framework
- Sustainability breach
- Sustainability co-ordinator
- Sustainability linked bond framework
- Sustainability linked financing
- Sustainability linked loan
- Sustainability matters
- Sustainability performance target
- Sustainability provision
- Sustainability rating agency
- Sustainability reporting
- Sustainability statement
- Sustainability themed investing
- Sustainable
- Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles
- Sustainable Bond Market
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
- Sustainable Finance Working Group
- Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation
- Sustainable Ocean Principles
- Sustainable aviation fuel
- Sustainable blue economy
- Sustainable bond
- Sustainable bond framework
- Sustainable debt
- Sustainable finance
- Sustainable finance framework
- Sustainable infrastructure
- Sustainable investment
- Sustainable investment label
- Sustainable loan
- Swap
- Swap Break Clauses
- Swap execution facility
- Swap overlay
- Swap points
- Swap rate
- Swap spread
- Swap spread risk
- Swapnote
- Swaption
- Sweep
- Sweep account
- Sweeping
- Sweetheart deal
- Swift Go