ESG coordinator

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1. Borrowing and lending - syndicated loans - documentation - ESG - green, social and sustainability linked lending (SLL).

In the context of syndicated lending, an ESG coordinator is an optional appointment in an ESG linked loan.

The ESG coordinator is an external party that takes the external lead on ESG and related issues.

Places for People (PfP)'s ESG-linked revolving credit facility (RCF)
"In addition, and to work alongside its clear social housing goals, PfP agreed on three meaningful and stretching environmental and social KPIs aligned with four of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These are documented in line with the LMA’s Sustainability Linked Loan Principles with performance tied to upward and downward margin ratchets...
Through appropriate coordination between the treasury and ESG teams at PfP, as well as assistance from EY and subsequently NatWest and Barclays as joint ESG coordinators, PfP was able to ensure the facility was ESG linked."
The Treasurer online, 4 April 2023 - ACT Deals of the Year 2022: Loans above £750m winner.

2. ESG.

An employee responsible for ESG coordination within an organisation.

See also