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Welcome to the Treasurer's Wiki

The Treasurer’s Wiki aims to share knowledge and experience across the treasury community. We hope you will use it as a platform to share knowledge and provide useful tools to other likeminded people.

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) sets the benchmark for international treasury excellence. As the Chartered body for treasury, we lead the profession by delivering our internationally recognised suite of treasury qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow.

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(B)/W to Advance payment bond
Advance payment guarantee to BCR
BDR to Bond equivalent yield
Bond fund to CO2
CO2e to Chartered Accountant
Chartered Accountants Ireland to Consumer
Consumer Composite Investments to Custody
Custody risk to Digital payment
Digital pound to ESFS
ESG to European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020
European Venues and Intermediaries Association to Finance & Treasury Association
Finance Act to G-SIB
G-SIFI to Guaranteed minimum pension
Guarantor to ILSA
ILTR to Interest rate optimisation
Interest rate option to Large Complex Financial Institution
Large language model to MTM
NACHA to Notional pool
Notional pooling to PRA
PRAG to Pre-€STR
Pre pack administration to RIBA
RICS to Return on sales
Return on shareholders funds to SWIFT gpi
SWOT analysis to Spear phishing
Spec-grade to Systemically Important Financial Institution
Systemically Important Payment System to Trade war
Traded option to Unrated
Unrealised loss to ZCR
ZIRP to €STR average rates