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Welcome to the Treasurer's Wiki

The Treasurer’s Wiki aims to share knowledge and experience across the treasury community. We hope you will use it as a platform to share knowledge and provide useful tools to other likeminded people.

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) sets the benchmark for international treasury excellence. As the Chartered body for treasury, we lead the profession by delivering our internationally recognised suite of treasury qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow.

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(B)/W to Advance ratio
Advance tax ruling to BEAPFF
BEC to Bond issue
Bond mandate to COB
COBO to Chartered Institute of Credit Management
Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors to Consultative Document
Consumer to Custodian
Custody to Digital identity
Digital option to ESAP
ESCB to European Systemic Risk Board
European Union to Final settlement
Final transfer to G-3 currencies
G-5 to Guarantee company
Guarantee line to ILSA
ILTR to Interest rate index
Interest rate netting to Large-cap
Large-value funds transfer system to MT102
MT940 to Mutual break
Mutual fund to Notional principal
Notional value to PRIIPs Regulation
PRINCE2 to Preferred stock
Preliminary rulings to RMB
RMBS to Revenue costs
Revenue expenditure to Sale and leaseback
Sales to Specific performance
Specific risk to T2
TALF to Transaction Workflow Innovation Standards Team
Transaction balance to Upgrade
Upper earnings limit to Zero rated
Zero remuneration to €STR average rates