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Welcome to the Treasurer's Wiki

The Treasurer’s Wiki aims to share knowledge and experience across the treasury community. We hope you will use it as a platform to share knowledge and provide useful tools to other likeminded people.

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) sets the benchmark for international treasury excellence. As the Chartered body for treasury, we lead the profession by delivering our internationally recognised suite of treasury qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow.

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(B)/W to Advance ratio
Advance tax ruling to BE
BEAPFF to Bond vigilante
Bondholder to COB
COBO to Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants to Consultative Document
Consumer to Custody services
Customer to Digital public money
Digital representation to ESFS
ESG to European Union
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 to Final salary pension scheme
Final settlement to G-7
G-77 to Guaranteed minimum pension
Guarantor to IMD
IMF to Interest rate option
Interest rate parity to Large-value payments
Large Complex Financial Institution to MT102
MT940 to Mutual break
Mutual fund to Notional principal
Notional value to PRC
PRI to Preferred shares
Preferred stock to RLS
RM to Reuters
Revaluation to Sado-monetarism
Sadomonetarism to Special endorsement
Special purpose vehicle to TALF
TARGET to Transaction Risk Indicators
Transaction Workflow Innovation Standards Team to Upper earnings limit
Upper quartile to Zero lower bound
Zero rate provision to €STR average rates