Gartner Hype Cycle

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Technology - applications - life cycle - Gartner.

The Gartner Hype Cycle identifies 5 key phases in the life cycle of a technological innovation:

(1) Innovation trigger
(2) Peak of inflated expectations
(3) Trough of disillusionment
(4) Slope of enlightenment
(5) Plateau of productivity, including mainstream adoption

From inflated expectations to disillusionment
"[history] is replete with technologies that seemed to be solutions for problems that were relatively intractable. Recent examples include blockchain, robotic process automation (RPA), the metaverse, and many others.
All seemed to have a compelling value proposition, but ultimately failed to be adopted by the mainstream.
The Gartner Hype Cycle illustrates the lifecycle of emerging technologies and blockchain, RPA and the metaverse all reached a peak of inflated expectations before descending into the trough of disillusionment."
Paul Bramwell, enterprise treasury lead, Trovata - reported by Rebecca Brace - The Treasurer - Issue 3 of 2024, page 10.

See also

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