Contracts referencing nature-dependent electricity
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IFRS 9 - fair value accounting - exemptions - own use.
For the purposes of IFRS 9, a contract referencing nature-dependent electricity means a contract that exposes an entity to variability in an underlying amount of electricity - referenced in the contract - because the source of its generation depends on uncontrollable natural conditions (such as the weather).
Examples include solar and wind-power electricity generation.
See also
- Contract
- Derivative
- Fair Value Adjustment
- Financial instrument
- Hedge accounting
- IAS 32
- IAS 39
- IFRS 9
- IFRS 15
- International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
- Net settlement
- Own use
- Power purchase agreement (PPA)
- Reporting entity
- Swap
- Underlying
- Virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA)