Mobilisation ratio

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Sustainability - investment - capital markets - public sector - crowding in - UK - National Wealth Fund (NWF).

In the context of public sector investment, mobilisation ratio is closely related to crowding in.

Crowding in is the theory - or expectation - that initial investment from a public sector agency will then attract additional private capital, usually to the particular deal.

The mobilisation ratio measures the effectiveness of crowding in as a proportion. The UK government's policy paper on its National Wealth Fund calculates it as:

Mobilisation ratio = Public sector investment / private sector capital crowded in (*)

NWF could mobilise £70bn of private investment
"... the NWF will have a total capitalisation of £27.8 billion to catalyse investment that would not have otherwise taken place...
With a target mobilisation ratio of 1:3, the NWF could mobilise at least £70bn of private investment..."
UK National Wealth Fund: Mobilising Private Investment - HM Treasury policy paper - October 2024.


Some sources calculate and use the mobilisation ratio the other way around, as follows:

Mobilisation ratio = Private sector capital crowded in / public sector investment

Here as always, take great care with identifying definitions and using them consistently.

See also

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