BCBS 239 Standard

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Reporting - risk reporting - banks & other financial services firms - non-financial corporates - principles.

The BCBS 239 Standard is the documentation of 14 Principles for effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting developed and published by the Bank for International Settlements.

Principles of reporting - BCBS - treasury
"The Basel Committee with the BCBS 239 standard defined the most important principles of reporting that any bank or non-financial corporate should follow.
In summary, it highlighted the importance of a thorough end to end process that included governance and infrastructure.
It presented the risk aggregating capabilities key values (accuracy and integrity, completeness, timeliness and adaptability) and outlined the principles of reporting practices (accuracy, comprehensiveness, clarity and usefulness, frequency and distribution)."
Dimitris Papathanasiou CFA, Treasury and Risk executive.

See also

Other resource