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1. Information technology - hardware - operating systems.

Defined narrowly, an information technology platform is the hardware and operating system environment, in which a piece of software is run.

2. Information technology - hardware - operating systems - software - applications.

More broadly, any dimension of the information technology environment in which an application is run.

In this broader sense, the platform may include software, storage, and any other supporting frameworks.

DeFi platforms - financial stability - regulatory challenges
"The highly decentralised and global structure of the DeFi sector along with the difficulty to trace end users provide a unique set of challenges for regulators.
... the degree of decentralisation currently varies across platforms.
However, in an extreme form, a DeFi platform could be completely decentralised with no identifiable legal entity, ownership nor even a point of human contact."
Is 'crypto' a financial stability risk? - Bank of England - Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor, Financial Stability - October 2021.

3. Discussion and representation.

Any forum for the exchange of ideas and for collective advocacy.

Neutral platform for best practice
"The Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) is an independent think tank for central banking, economic policy and public investment.
It is established to be a neutral platform for best practice in worldwide public-private sector exchanges."
Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum - the Treasurer's Wiki.

4. Learning and development.

Any foundational structure, or body of knowledge.

Economics helps understand business
"The study of economics provides a platform for understanding business and a reference framework for business systems and techniques."
Economics - the Treasurer's Wiki.

See also

External link