External service interface provider

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Central bank digital currency (CBDC) - intermediaries - Bank of England.


An External Service Interface Provider is a Bank of England proposal for intermediaries to support consumers' access to a possible CBDC.

ESIPs include payment interface providers, and other service providers, for example providers of information.

Private sector firms would deal with all user-facing interactions
"The Bank [of England] and HM Treasury have proposed a public-private platform model for the provision of a digital pound. In this model, the Bank would build and operate the ledger – a highly secure, fast and resilient technology platform.
Regulated private firms – payment interface providers (PIPs) and external service interface providers (ESIPs) – could then access the core infrastructure via application programming interfaces (APIs).
These private sector firms would deal with all user-facing interactions, including handling customers’ information, and be able to develop and offer innovative services using a digital pound."
An outline of the Bank of England's initial thinking on the potential aims, scope and focus areas of a digital pound blueprint - January 2025.

See also

Other resources