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Lending - borrowing.
A loan is an arrangement for lending and borrowing, most commonly of money.
A loan is a borrowing (liability) for the borrower, and an investment (asset) for the lender.
In the commercial context loan arrangements are legally enforceable and normally formalised in a loan agreement.
See also
- Advance
- Alternative Credit Council (ACC)
- An introduction to loan finance
- Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
- Assets
- Back-to-back loan
- Bond
- Borrower
- Borrowing
- Bridging loan
- Climate loan
- Cost-plus loan pricing
- Credit
- Debt
- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- Finance
- Green loan
- Green Loan Principles
- Impaired loan
- Lender
- Liabilities
- Loan against inventory
- Loan against receivables
- Loan agreement
- Loan loss reserve
- Loan market
- Loan Market Association (LMA)
- Loan note
- Loan portability
- Loan relationship
- Loan relationship income
- Loan Syndications & Trading Association
- Loan to deposit ratio
- Loan to stable deposit ratio
- Loan to stable funding ratio
- Loan to value (LTV)
- Loan transferability
- Loans and receivables
- Loans payable
- Loans penetration
- Non-performing loan
- Overdraft
- Revolving loan
- Self-financing loan
- Social loan
- Social Loan Principles
- Springing term loan
- Sustainability linked loan
- Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles
- Sustainable loan
- Syndicate
- Syndicated loan
- Term loan