Tech chops

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Treasury - technical skills.

Tech chops means technical skills.

(Originally informal).

It is sometimes written more fully as "technical chops".

Treasurers with tech chops will be in demand
"The future of work, specifically the human contribution to the treasury function, is currently both a cause of concern and excitement...
Our expectation is that human intervention will remain a core element of treasury processes.
We are likely distant from artificial general intelligence that can operate as a digital cash manager.
Instead, human and machine will be more closely coupled as innovations take hold.

To determine future talent needs and opportunities, treasuries will need to carefully review processes and consider the caliber of people needed.
Those with tech chops and ability to change will be in demand."
Treasury 2030 - Modernize or Risk Irrelevance - Citi Global Perspectives & Solutions - December 2024, p15.

See also

Other resource