From ACT Wiki
1. Treasury - risk management.
Any situation in which value or wellbeing is reliant on something - or someone - else.
Examples include systematic third-party dependency.
2. Treasury - risk management - climate change - financial risks - nature - nature-related risks - regulation.
In the context of nature-related financial risk, a dependency on nature is an environmental asset or ecosystem service that people or organisations rely on.
Examples include the availability of enough water for a business process, together with the quality of the water.
See also
- Acute risk
- Adaptation finance
- Biodiversity
- Climate change
- Climate Financial Risk Forum
- Climate risk
- Critical habitat
- Deforestation
- Dependent
- Dependent variable
- Ecosystem services
- Environmental asset
- Financial institution
- Financial risk
- Financial stability risk
- Impact
- Nature loss
- Nature-related opportunity
- Nature-related risk
- Nature transition
- Policy risk
- Regulation
- Resilience
- Risk management
- Systematic third-party dependency
- Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
- Treasury