Nature loss

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Environmental concerns - biodiversity - natural capital.

Nature loss means a reduction in natural capital and degradation of the habitats for living species.

An example of nature loss is deforestation.

Nature loss and nature-based solutions
"At Lloyds Banking Group, we recognise the importance of nature-based solutions (NbS) in the agricultural and urban environment and have started on a journey to educate ourselves and our clients...

Nature-based solutions protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems in ways that address societal challenges – for example flooding resulting from climate change – to effectively provide both human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits...

In urban areas, additional trees and hedgerows act as flood defences while providing new habitats, and for farming it improves soil heath and long-term resilience.
Furthermore, NbS offer enormous savings compared with traditional infrastructure.
They often have lower capital and maintenance costs and globally can achieve up to 50% cost savings compared to grey infrastructure, offering potential savings of $250bn annually.

To explore the opportunity NbS pose for the UK, Lloyds has developed a paper with input from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), exploring the potential positive outcomes for nature, climate, and people, and how to unlock their delivery at scale."
Katie Leach, head of nature, Lloyds Banking Group - The Treasurer - Issue 4 of 2024, p50.

See also

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