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1. Information - information technology.

Information, especially in a format that is relatively easier to collate, analyse, and process, store or transmit electronically.

High quality data makes reporting tick
"I’m talking a lot with clients on the importance of data quality, and the fact that data is the commodity that makes systems and reporting tick.
Essentially an update on the 'garbage in, garbage out' philosophy. Treasury needs finance data and when different systems are used, you not only need to get them communicating in sync (and at the right refresh rate) but also be wary of duplicating data unnecessarily.
Start with the outcome in mind - high transaction volumes may be necessary to drill back in some cases (for example cash forecasting variances) but completely unnecessary in others - meaning you can aggregate certain sources, for example risk exposures.
It all contributes to a holistic reporting environment (understanding things) that can be managed separately from the operational treasury environment (doing things)."
Carl Sharman, Partner, Deloitte.

2. Personal information - confidential information - data protection.

Information about individuals or organisations, especially confidential or sensitive information.

See also