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1. Environmental concerns.
Existing in nature, without human manufacture or other involvement.
For example, natural assets include geology, soil, air, water and all living things.
2. Information technology - code - language.
In relation to language, relating to standard human language rather than computer code.
3. Markets.
A market structure or a market rate that appears efficient and sustainable.
For example, a natural monopoly, or a natural level of interest rates.
4. Financial maths - maths - logarithms.
A natural logarithm is a logarithm which uses the exponential constant 'e' (approximately 2.718282...) as its base.
It is named natural because so many processes in nature can be described by it.
See also
- Biodiversity
- Climate change: testing the resilience of corporates’ creditworthiness to natural catastrophes
- Code
- Environmental concerns
- Exponential
- Financial maths
- Information technology
- Natural asset
- Natural capital
- Natural capital accounting
- Natural Capital Coalition
- Natural Capital Committee
- Natural Capital Protocol
- Natural hedge
- Natural interest rate
- Natural justice
- Natural language
- Natural language generation
- Natural language processing
- Natural logarithm
- Natural monopoly
- Neutral
- Sustainability
- Sustainability bond
- World Forum on Natural Capital