Best practice
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Commercial or professional procedures that are accepted as being correct or most effective.
For example, the Association of Corporate Treasurers issues guidance on how to perform certain treasury activities, and this guidance can be considered to be best practice in relation to those activities.
Some more recently published codes often refer to "good" practice, rather than "best" practice. However, at this stage the terms "good" practice, "better" practice and "best" practice can be viewed as fully interchangeable.
Examples include the FX Global Code, setting out good practice principles for foreign exchange market participants, and the UK Corporate Governance Code (for larger UK companies).
- Governance and best practice in treasury
- "Best practice can mean so many different things, especially in treasury.
- But one lens to look at it through is ESG. The ‘G’ pillar (governance) is a fundamental part of best practice.
- Good governance isn’t just about policy and procedure, it’s about creating structures that promote transparency, accountability, and responsible decision-making.
- At its core, best practice in treasury is anchored in governance that not only protects the organisation but also drives sustainable (in every sense of the word), long-term value."
- Eleanor Hill, Founder, The Treasury Storyteller.
- Good practice at heart of ACT's work
- "Developing and sharing treasury good practice is at the heart of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)’s work.
- Caroline Stockmann, former ACT Chief Executive, describes it as follows, "Best practice in treasury isn’t just about technical skill, it’s about understanding your role within the larger business. A good treasurer integrates treasury goals with overall corporate strategy to drive growth and mitigate risk"."
- Good practice in treasury - ACT Learning resource.
See also
- Accountability
- Advisory
- Association of Corporate Treasurers
- Benchmark
- Benchmarking
- Better practice
- Boilerplate
- Cash flow statement
- Code
- Code of practice
- Competence
- Compliance
- Contract
- Corporate finance transaction
- Credit story
- Directive
- Disapplication
- Enforcement
- Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
- Ethics
- Financial Markets Standards Board
- Foreign Exchange Committee
- Framework
- FX Global Code
- Framework
- Global Code
- Good practice
- Governance
- Green story
- Guidance
- Investment management
- Joint Money Laundering Steering Group
- Jurisdiction
- Law
- Legislation
- Model
- Non-pre-emptive issue
- Oversight
- Payments Market Practice Group
- Practice
- Practitioner
- Pre-Emption Group
- Principle
- Red tape
- Regime
- Regulation
- Report
- Reporting
- Reputational risk
- Request for proposal
- Rule of law
- Rules
- Rules based
- Shareholder value
- Spreadsheet Standards
- Stakeholder value
- Standards
- Statement of commitment
- Statement of Good Practice
- Statement of Principles
- Supervision
- Supervision Committee of the FRC
- Sustainability
- Tax
- Transparency
- Treasury
- Truncation
- UK Corporate Governance Code
- UK Money Markets Code
- Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits