Category:Corporate finance

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1. Shareholder value - management - analysis.

In the context of shareholder value, corporate finance is the management and analysis of a firm's shareholder value, particularly in relation to its capital structure and funding, and in relation to any proposals for major acquisitions or disposals.

2. Supporting services.

Corporate finance can also refer to external services supporting this activity, for example banking, legal or accounting advisory and reporting services.

Corporate finance - investor protection - student treasury term of the month
"Corporate finance is exciting but regulation-heavy work, many of the regulations being for the protection of investors. So far so good.
Unfortunately, most regulations add cost and delay for important corporate transactions. However, from time to time regulators loosen the rules.

Looser regulation for UK-listed companies has come into effect from July 2024. The FCA’s new UK Listing Rules (UKLR) replace the former Listing Rules in their entirety.
Major changes include removing mandatory shareholder votes to authorise significant or related party transactions, shifting to a more disclosure-based regime.

Reasons for the changes include substantial falls in the numbers of companies choosing to list in the UK, and remaining listed in the UK.
The FCA “has been clear that the new rules involve allowing greater risk but... better reflect the risk appetite the [UK] economy needs to achieve growth.” Corporate treasurers will risk manage accordingly."
Investor protection - ACT student treasury term of the month - August 2024.

See also

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Pages in category ‘Corporate finance’

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