Maslow's hierarchy of needs
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Working effectively with others - motivation.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs identifies five ranked levels of human needs.
It suggests that people with unmet needs are most strongly motivated by their lowest level of unmet need.
For example, the physical needs for food, water or warmth.
However, once lower level needs are adequately addressed, meeting higher level 'self-actualisation' needs may increase motivation to engage even more with related higher level goals.
Also known as Maslow's pyramid of needs, from the shape of the diagram in which the needs are often illustrated.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was published in 1943.
See also
- Agency
- Association for Coaching
- Association of Corporate Treasurers
- Career coaching
- Client
- Coach
- Coaching
- Coaching applications
- Coaching techniques
- Cognitive behavioural coaching
- Contracting
- Cross-cultural coaching
- Developmental coaching
- European Mentoring & Coaching Council
- Executive coaching
- Existential coaching
- Gestalt coaching
- Health and wellness coaching
- International Coach Federation
- Leadership coaching
- Maslow's hammer
- Mentor
- Narrative coaching
- NLP coaching
- Ontological coaching
- Organizational coaching
- Peer coaching
- Person-centred coaching
- Positive psychology coaching
- Psychodynamic coaching
- Skills and performance coaching
- Solution-focused coaching
- Team coaching
- Transactional analysis coaching
- Transactional coaching
- Transformational coaching
- Transpersonal coaching
- Working effectively with others